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Tuesday 22 April 2008


You might be wondering, tomorrow...What about tomorrow? It seems a common word although you may not say the same when it comes to popularity or the frequency of its use as an article or speech title. I daresay about three quarter of you readers who think they either know or have read something similar before have not done so in reality. Understandably, we all most times find ourselves living in illusions or delusions wrapped in the figments of our imaginations.Pardon my jargons (if you identify any).

This piece is one of the posts in one of my “abandoned” sites mentioned in my maiden post in Eagle’s Eye. I managed to dig it out of my archive while I was trying to create a directory on my computer where I'd create an archive for my topics. I have done a bit of editing here and there but the content is still the same. I wrote the original post when I was still at Uni doing my postgrad. I guess I wrote it sometime around March 2007. Why have I chosen to post it on this page again? It just blends well with my line of thought in my last post. I find it quite timely because I am one of those people who have done themselves tremedous diservice by saying "I'll do it tomorrow". I will not give you "15 tips to help you stop procrastinating", "101 ways to be an action man" or any of such things but you'd agree that if you're engaged in anything which has not proved "profitable" (profit is relative), all you need is a change o attitude. You don't need a Compendium of rules and tips to change the situation. Before any of such rules and tips would work for you, you need one MAJOR ingredient, a change of attitude. It is only a fool who will do the same thing the same way over and again and expect different results. Read on.

Swallowed and wrapped up in the belly of academics, working on some assignments, I got bored and decided to wander about the internet. Something within me, maybe a feel of self-importance prompted me to type in my name on the search engine to see if I have gone "global"

Alas! The first link on the search results page catapulted me to this page (that was the site where I posted the original blog). Then I realised that night when I "stumbled" on this resource and started off with my blog titled "testing" (Testing, apparently was my first post on that blog). I quickly brushed through the last post and found out I said "I was coming" albeit not literally in that post. I remember vividly how in my mind I said to myself after the first post that “tomorrow; I'd come and add some more stuff to this page”. Hmmm... Immediately, the lesson struck me and I can see my whole life in flashes. The targets, the goals, the dreams of Yesterday, Yesterweeks, Yestermonths and even Yesteryears! Apparently, so many things have been left either undone or half-completed in like-manner - I'll come back to it later. Then a song came to my mind. One of the songs which one of my Indian friends at work taught. I’m not sure if I'd get the spellings and other rules of Hindi lexis and structure right but in my own tongue, singing the song literally the way she taught me I’ll attempt to write-sing it. Here you go; "O Femi, O Femi, O Femi...ripannadi, mapannadi, panikiradule O Femi..." don't ask me about the word-by-word meanings but the summary of the song is that "O ‘Femi (that’s my name in case you’re asking what/who is Femi?)...whatever you have to do today, do it and don't wait till tomorrow; O Femi... I wonder why she taught me that line of all the lines in Indian songs. And that inspired me to write this poem


Tomorrow, the Yesterday of Today
Today, the Tomorrow of Yesterday
I long to see thee
Thou near future yet so far
Seeing me abandon today’s labour
I never knew my next neighbour
Thou art not, thou liveth far away

The craft man who longeth to see thee
Seeth never the fruit of his craft
The scholar who longeth for thee
Is caught in the web of “unpassedness”

Yesterday I longed by the moonlight
To tell my brood about thee
To invite thee for supper while by the fire
I tell the tale of how close thou once were
And how close thou’d always be
Alas, we lie in hope of thy sojourn
The candles waxed away and the fire needs kindling

Adorned with beauty untellable
In today I find succour and picked my tales
For the joy of my sweat
The wine of my vine
Locked in illusions trapped in thee
I’ve found with oil of gladness
For in Today thou art apparent and
In thy real self thou art but just an Illusion
©2007 Femi Olatunji

I hope someone somehow finds a lesson or better still draw an inspiration from this post. Well even if you don't, let my indian lyrics keep echoing in your mind and never lose the meaning summarised as well. While I do not take the credit for the song or its meaning, it is important to realise that was how she taught me - the lyrics (I may have incorrectly spelt the words) and the meaning. If you think the meaning otherwise, please feel free to drop me a comment.


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